
Dr. Petya Stefanova


Assistant at the Faculty of Medicine at Sofia University and resident physician in Neurology at Sofiamed University Hospital.


What is the primary function of the olfactory nerve (CN I)?

N. Olfactorius е:

What is the vision field defect as shown on the picture?

Коя от изброените структури не се отнася към екстрапирамидната система?

Which of the following is an example of a hyperkinetic extrapyramidal syndrome?

Мускулна хипотония може да се наблюдава при:

What best describes the characteristic features of ataxia?

Спастично повишен мускулен тонус се наблюдава при:

What are the characteristics of neocerebellar syndrome?

Ригидно повишен мускулен тонус е характерен за:

How would you best describe the gait in individuals with cerebellar lesions?

Коя комбинация от симптоми описва най-точно Паркинсоновия синдром:

What are some of the tests typically performed during a neurological examination to assess coordination?

Паркинсоновият тремор се наблюдава при:

When performing the Romberg test patient stands still with eyes open but sways when eyes are closed. What is the interpretation?

Сухожилните рефлекси при Паркинсонов синдром са:

A patient undergoes the Romberg test, and he cannot maintain balance with eyes open and eyes closed. What is the Romberg test interpretation?

Кои от изброените са хиперкинетични екстрапирамидни синдроми?

How is the finger-to-nose test for coordination typically performed in a neurological examination?

Липсата на кое вещество се свързва с развитието на Паркинсонов синдром?


Parkinson’s Disease Differential Diagnosis Questionnaire

Role of the Direct and Indirect Pathways in the Extrapyramidal System: Balancing Motor Control

The Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS)

Lewy Body Dementia with Parkinsonism versus Parkinson’s Disease

Aging as a Risk Factor for Parkinson’s Disease

The Role of Genetics in Parkinson’s Disease

Protective Factors for Parkinson’s Disease: Physical Activity, Smoking, and Caffeine

Alpha-Synuclein vs. Tau Protein: A Comparative Overview

Alpha-Synuclein and α-Synucleinopathies

Genetics and Multiple Sclerosis

Etiology of Multiple Sclerosis

Differential Diagnosis for Parkinson’s Disease

Cauda Equina Syndrome (CES)

Treatment Options for Multiple Sclerosis

Diet Recommendations for Patients with Multiple Sclerosis

Wallenberg Syndrome (Lateral Medullary Syndrome)

Ischemic Stroke

How to Put on Sterile Gloves and Stay Sterile

Q 2.35. Emergencies in Neurology

Q 2.34. Dementia

Q 2.33. Headache

Q 2.32. Wilson’s Disease

Q 2.31. Chorea

Q 2.30. Progressive Muscular Dystrophy

Q 2.29. Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Q 2.28. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Q 2.27. Parkinson’s Disease

Q 2.26. Status Epilepticus

Q 2.25. Epilepsy

Q 2.24. Traumatic Brain Injury

Q 2.23. Spinal Cord Tumors

Q 2.22. Cerebral Tumors

Q 2.21. Cerebral Vein and Dural Thrombosis

Q 2.20. Subarachnoid Haemorrhage

Q 2.19. Parenchymal Brain Haemorrhage

Q 2.18. Part 2 Cerebral Infarction – Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis

Q 2.18. Part 1 Cerebral Infarction – Types and Warning Signs

Q 2.17. Asymptomatic Cerebrovascular Disease. Transient Ischemic Attacks.