
Dr. Petya Stefanova


Assistant at the Faculty of Medicine at Sofia University and resident physician in Neurology at Sofiamed University Hospital.


При пациент с остър инсулт рефлексът Бабински:

При тежка полирадикулопатия (синдром на Гилен-Баре) се наблюдава:

Какво е анизорефлексия?

Which of the following reflexes is typically affected in polyradiculoneuropathy (Guillain-Barré syndrome)?

Which statement best describes the Babinski reflex in acute stroke?

What is the significance of a positive Babinski reflex in a neurological examination of the right foot?

In which of the following conditions is generalized hyperreflexia commonly observed?

Which of the following items typically determine a tendon reflex as pathological hypereflexia in a clinical examination?

What is anisoreflexia in the context of neurology?

Which of the following reflexes can be observed in healthy babies?

What is the definition of the medical term “apraxia”?

Какво означава терминът “агнозия”?

What does the term “agnosia” refer to?

Психични разстройства на късната възраст са:

What are the most common types of psychiatric problems in the elderly?

Коя е най-честата форма на деменция?

Which is the most common type of dementia?

Към екстрапирамидната система се отнасят пътища, които преминават:

What is a key difference between the pyramidal and extrapyramidal pathways in the central nervous system?

Q 2.1. Peripheral Nervous System Disorders. Classification. Neuralgia, mononeuritis, plexitis. Treatment.

X-ray of the Lumbar Region

X-ray of the Cervical Spine

X-ray of the Skull

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Q 1.1. Aντανακλαστικά TEST

Q 2.35. Emergencies in Neurology

Q 2.34. Dementia

Q 2.33. Headache

Q 2.32. Wilson’s Disease

Q 2.31. Chorea

Q 2.30. Progressive Muscular Dystrophy

Q 2.29. Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Q 2.28. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Q 2.27. Parkinson’s Disease

Q 2.26. Status Epilepticus

Q 2.25. Epilepsy

Q 2.24. Traumatic Brain Injury

Q 2.23. Spinal Cord Tumors

Q 2.22. Cerebral Tumors

Q 2.21. Cerebral Vein and Dural Thrombosis

Q 2.20. Subarachnoid Haemorrhage

Q 2.19. Parenchymal Brain Haemorrhage