Which of the following is an example of a hyperkinetic extrapyramidal syndrome?

Which of the following is an example of a hyperkinetic extrapyramidal syndrome?

Correct answers are A), B) and C). A) Correct. Chorea is a hyperkinetic extrapyramidal syndrome characterized by involuntary, rapid, jerky, and non-repetitive movements. B) Correct. Tics are also a hyperkinetic extrapyramidal syndrome, involving sudden, rapid, repetitive, and stereotyped movements or vocalizations. C) Correct. Dystonia is another example of a hyperkinetic extrapyramidal syndrome. It involves sustained or intermittent muscle contractions leading to abnormal postures or twisting movements. D) Incorrect. Parkinson's disease is not a hyperkinetic syndrome; it is a hypokinetic syndrome characterized by bradykinesia (slowness of movement), rigidity, and rest tremor, which are opposite to the characteristics of hyperkinetic syndromes like chorea, tics, and dystonia.

Verifiziert von Dr. Petya Stefanova
