Dimitar Popov
Welche der folgenden Maßnahmen sind bei einer primären Knie TEP am wichtigsten zu vermeiden, um eine optimale Funktion des Knies zu gewährleisten?
August 11, 2024

Which of the following is more important to avoid in primary knee replacement to ensure optimal knee function?
August 11, 2024

A patient presents with significant heel pain which has gotten worse in the last few days. The patient is a regular runner. He has already been treated with shockwave therapy and has insoles, but the pain is still getting worse. What would be your next step?
Dezember 26, 2023

A patient with diabetes presents with redness and swelling of his foot. You are uncertain whether it is Charcot arthropathy or an infection. Which test could help in your diagnosis?
Dezember 24, 2023

Which of the following is a treatment for plantar fasciitis?
November 12, 2023

When considering Scheuermann’s disease, what is the normal range of thoracic kyphosis?
August 26, 2023

What is the relationship between folic acid and methotrexate?
August 23, 2023

Which of the following best describes the risk associated with taking bisphosphonates in patients with kidney damage?
August 13, 2023

Was ist das “Fettpolsterzeichen” im Kontext von Ellenbogenverletzungen und warum sollten Ärzte darauf achten?
Juni 10, 2023

What is the “fat pad sign” in the context of elbow injuries, and why should orthopedic surgeons be aware of it?
Juni 10, 2023

If you suspect infantile Blount’s disease and you measure the angle of Drennan what measurement should raise your suspicion?
Februar 5, 2023

What is usually the starting dose for oral methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis?
Januar 29, 2023

When treating infantile Blount’s disease until what age can you apply a brace to correct the deformity?
Januar 17, 2023

What should be the first step taken by an orthopedic surgeon when evaluating a child with cavus foot to determine the underlying etiology?
Dezember 11, 2022

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